8 Quotes & Sayings By Benjamin Harrison

Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd President of the United States. He was the grandson of William Henry Harrison, who had been elected president in 1840. Benjamin was named after his maternal grandfather, Benjamin Harrison V, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a U.S. Senator from Virginia Read more

Benjamin Harrison was a successful lawyer and businessman in Indianapolis, Indiana, before being appointed by President William McKinley to be Collector of Customs for the Port of Indianapolis in 1897. He was later appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt to be U.S. Minister to Russia in 1905.

In 1913 he ran for Governor of Indiana and served two terms, then was elected Vice President in 1916 on the Republican ticket with President Woodrow Wilson, serving under him from 1913 until 1921 when he died in office from complications from pneumonia.

Our mission is not to impose our peculiar institutions upon other nations by physical force or diplomatic treachery but rather by internal peace and prosperity to solve the problem of self-government and reconcile democratic freedom with national stability. Benjamin Harrison
In the old Republican days the subject of slavery and of the saving of the Union made appeals to the consciences and liberty-loving instincts of the people. These later years have been full of talk about commerce and dinner pails, but I feel sure that the American conscience and the American love of liberty have not been smothered. They will break through this crust of sordidness and realize that those only keep their liberties who accord liberty to others. Benjamin Harrison
What saddens me most is that some poor woman out there has to be Garth's wife. And his three children -- oh, his poor three children. What a despicable human being this guy is. Benjamin Harrison
There never has been a time in our history when work was so abundant or when wages were as high, whether measured by the currency in which they are paid or by their power to supply the necessaries and comforts of life. Benjamin Harrison
We Americans have no commission from God to police the world. Benjamin Harrison
The bud of victory is always in the truth. Benjamin Harrison
Great lives never go out they go on. Benjamin Harrison